Add SmartObject Properties

K2 Studio - Adding SmartObject Properties

The Add Properties user dialog opens when the Add button is clicked on the SmartObject Properties toolbar. This allows the user to create properties related to the SmartObject. To add a property click on the <Add Property> control. 

The shortcut for creating a new property is Ctrl+A

Fig. 1. Add Property screen

Feature What it is
Name Type the Name of the SmartObject property
Description Type a brief description of the SmartObject property
Type Select the format for the property from the drop down list. For example, Date/Time, calendar and image
Key Select if the property is the unique identifier for the SmartObject
SmartBox Select the check box if the SmartObject property is to be created in the SmartBox server.
A SmartObject requires at least one Key property

SmartObject Type


The SmartObject Type determines the input format of the SmartObject property at runtime. The following formats are available: 


Fig. 2. SmartObject Property Types

Feature What it is
Autonumber When a new listing in the SmartObject is created the listing will contain an index which is automatically generated
AutoGUID The AutoGUID is similar to the  Autonumber, it takes on the role of an identity type field where a GUID will be auto generated when a record is created
Date  Used for a timezone invariant date (no time)
Date Time Used to specify a utc time that will show in different locations relative to the user's timezone
Decimal Decimal numbers can be entered in the SmartObject property at runtime
File Stores a file of any format
GUID Global Unique Identifier
Hyperlink Stores the property data as a hyperlink
Image Stores an image of supported types
Memo Large String
Multivalue The Multivalue is a proprietary type which has a simple xml schema translating more or less to a key-value pair list.
Number Only numerical values can be input at runtime
Text Stores ANSI standard text characters
Time Used for a timezone invariant time (no date)
Yes/No Boolean type property



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)